Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Richard Todd s The American Dream - 753 Words

While the motivation of the American Dream may be materialistic or moralistic, it is based on the sole property of opportunity. As shared by Martin C. Jischke in â€Å"The American Dream,† â€Å"the American dream is the ‘dream of a land†¦with opportunity for each according to the ability or achievement’† (75). Because the qualities of an individual are unique, the measurement of success varies. Improvement in any sense must be sparked by a window of hope at a richer life. The American Dream is easily attainable when paired with opportunity and a strong work ethic. Without the necessary investment of time and labor, the skill sets and knowledge of those working towards the American Dream are laid to waste. Personal accounts from immigrants preserving through the endless hardships are the living proof that the American Dream is achievable. Their accounts prove that the dream is only achieved because of the toil throughout the immigrants’ lives. R ichard Todd describes â€Å"a man who embodies American opportunity† (90). This man immigrated from Korea to start his own software company in America. Todd describes his meeting with the Korean immigrant who had recently made the business a publicly traded company. The enthusiasm of the immigrant accurately conveys the dedication he has toward his ultimate goals (Todd 90). The Korean man was able to be successful due to his extensive work in the field of technology. He lives the American Dream of beginning with nothing rising up in the ranks ofShow MoreRelatedA Search for Hope930 Words   |  4 Pagesâ€Å"hope† in King Richard III as â€Å"True hope is swift, and flies with swallows wings: Kings it makes gods, and meaner creatures kings† (Shakespeare). Shakespeare likens â€Å"hope† to wings that elevate people during its existence, a power which strengthens people. 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